Rising Rose

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Dev Notes

Rising Rose is lacking gameplay-wise. It's one screen where you can slash a sword.

What it lacks in gameplay I think it makes up with it's art.

I must've purchased Aseprite just before making this game, because this is my first game containing .ase files instead of .png files. I think owning a graphics program designed for pixel art aided & pushed me into improving my pixel art.

"Pixel perfect" means each pixel:

My projects before this one were not pixel perfect (see skrib & Cavecopter) which gives off an amateur and unprofessional look most of the time.

Though the player's movement was not pixel perfect (I wouldn't make pixel perfect movement until eo), I was able to render pixel perfect graphics by using @wtfmig's PixelBoy script. The idea behind the script is to render to a lower resolution canvas called a "render texture" then scale it up by an integer amount.
